RealNet Platform
Internet Of Everything Application Cloud Platform-as-a-Service
Record information about physical asset or device and attach it to a geolocation, bar code or QR code
Attach digital content, communicate and collaborate digitally around physical assets, locations and devices
Perform your business activities digitally by attaching tasks, events, product and service offers and orders to physical assets, locations and devices
RealScape App
Access physical asset, location and device information, digital content and related business activities via GPS location bar code and QR code using your mobile phone
Digitise your physical asset, location or device, add digital content to it and share it with your colleagues for collaboration using your mobile phone
Perform your asset, location and device related day-to-day business activities from your mobile phone
A Startup based in Auckland, New Zealand. Our vision is to leverage the modern Cloud/GPS/Mobile/AI/IoT technologies to help improve the lives of individuals as well as the efficiency and profitability of small and medium businesses.
Founder and CEO, Marko Laban brings over 20 years of hands on Software Development, Enterprise Architecture, Product and Project Management experience to VirtualSpace. He is the brains behind the design of effective products that maximise efficiencies in organisations big or small.
His vision is to develop cutting-edge technologies to help improve the lives of individuals globally as well as helping the business community, central and local government become more effective in delivering measurable outcomes to all stakeholders including customers and teams.